‘Project Undersea Station’ Introduction

Wordpress Header (updated 30.08.2022; complete re-edit) CalamarPark (a branch of Cabrito Consulting) is located in Germany. It is an independentInitiative for Studies on Aquanauticfounded in 2006. Our aim is to develop a new generation of modular, serial underwater habitats for human occupation with emphasis on the human factor and habitability. The main facility and its mobile module will be open to several purposes, such as underwater archaeology, specialized tourism, space training missions etc. Within this scope we are convinced that this is the best approach to attract attention for the marine habitat and increase interest to its environmental issues.

The proposed underwater habitat should serve inter-/multidisciplinary and international goals. Doubtless it will be of great benefit for any supporting company or regional administration. CalamarPark has extended experience in several corresponding sectors and established a large network of underwater specialists. Based on this network CalamarPark will act as an agency to bring together the best manufacturers for the different components of the habitat.

Continue reading “‘Project Undersea Station’ Introduction”

Leben und Arbeiten im Meer

(For English please scroll down) Zur Erinnerung: Ich hatte mich mit Dr. Jim Miller und Ian Koblick auf eine Übersetzung ihres Buches ‘Living and Working in the Sea’ (‘Leben und Arbeiten im Meer‘) ins Deutsche und insbesondere vom anglo-amerikanischen ins metrische Maßsystem geeinigt. Die Übersetzung und erste Durchsicht ist abgeschlossen und alle notwendigen Kontakte geknüpft. Der ursprüngliche Plan, die Veröffentlichung über Crowdfunding zu finanzieren, hat jedoch einen Dämpfer erhalten, weil alle Crowdfunding-Plattformen Projekte aus dem Land, in dem ich seit langer Zeit lebe, nicht akzeptiert. Ich brauche da also eine andere Lösung. Continue reading “Leben und Arbeiten im Meer”

The Gig on the Rig

If you have doubts whether concrete is an appropriate material for an underwater habitat then have a look at the supporting legs of Troll A, a condeep offshore natural gas platform in the Troll gas field (see Wikipedia en/de). The legs are air filled and reach 303m into the deep. In 2005 Katie Malua performed a concert on its basement setting a world record for the deepest underwater concert.

Living and Working in the Sea

Living and Working in the Sea(For English please scroll down) (Update 17.01.) Nachdem wir uns mit Dr. Jim Miller und Ian Koblick auf eine Übersetzung ihres Buches ‘Living and Working in the Sea’ ins Deutsche und insbesondere vom anglo-amerikanischen ins metrische Maßsystem geeinigt haben, können wir nun bekanntgeben, dass die Übersetzung inzwischen abgeschlossen ist. Momentan arbeiten wir an der Durchsicht und hoffen, in Kürze die Veröffentlichung beginnen zu können. Mit letzterem ist innerhalb der nächsten zwei Monate zu rechnen. Continue reading “Living and Working in the Sea”

Worst Case: Lightning

LightningThis chapter aims to find preventions and handling to reduce risks of a lightning strike.

It should be compatible with the Worst Case Scenario introduction and includes the following sections:

  • Coverage
  • Introduction
  • Critical Phase before and after a thunderstorm
  • Preventive Measures
  • Sources

Our extensive analysis and proposals are part of the design manual.


  • Lightning Image: Taken from Wikimedia; © Don Amaro from Madeira Islands, Portugal, upload by Herrick 17:17, 4 December 2007 (UTC)

Worst Case: Habitat Flooding

Underwater Habitat Flooding(Update 29.11.2020: added object securing)

This section is about the Worst Case Scenario ‘Habitat Flooding’, its prevention and handling.

It covers the following sections:

  • Coverage
  • Introduction
  • Hull Breach
  • Habitat Tilt
  • Safety Zone
  • Preventive Measures
  • Emergency Procedure

Our extensive analysis and proposals are part of the design manual.

Image by CalamarPark

HiCan Bed

HiCan BedI know, it’s a bit off the topic, but if we succeed one day to have a kingsize underwater habitat, I want one of these !!! Get all information on the HiCan project on hi-can.com